Schedule Tasks is where you schedule your Job Tasks. Tasks are created in Xero Practice Manager on jobs and are displayed in Schedule Tasks in Link. By default the page shows unscheduled tasks, which are the ones that need to be scheduled. A task is considered scheduled when it contains three elements:
- Assigned To (the person the task is allocated to)
- Allocated Hours
- Due Date
Once these three elements are added to a task you will see a capacity pill that relates to the person you have assigned the task to. This is the available capacity they have for the month you have scheduled the task to. This allows you to see if this person has available capacity, or is overallocated for the month.
A green pill indicates the person has available capacity for the month, whereas the red pill indicates they are overallocated. The available capacity updates live as you make changes allowing you to move people and due dates around before publishing your allocations to Xero.
Once you hit ‘Publish to Xero’ the allocations will be saved to the database and adding to the export queue to Xero Practice Manager. The tasks they have been scheduled will then show on the Workflow lists for the people they have been allocated to.Your objective is to schedule all tasks that are sitting in Unscheduled Tasks so they show on peoples Workflow lists.
When you click into Scheduled Tasks, the default will show your unscheduled tasks. You can click on the selection box and change this to any of the following options:
- Unscheduled Tasks - these are the tasks that need to be assigned to people.
- Scheduled Tasks - these are the tasks that have been assigned and not yet completed
- Completed Tasks - these are all the tasks that have been completed
- All Tasks - this shows all tasks
There is a limit of 20,000 tasks that can appear in the table. This is to avoid the page crashing. If the selection you choose has more than 20,000 tasks you will be prompted to add a filter to reduce the number of tasks showing in the table.
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