'Undo WIP Write-off' will undo the write on/off as of the original write on/off date which may be prior to the WIP lock period. This will necessarily affect your WIP, job and team performance reports for prior periods. For example:
Timesheet (billable) 7 April: +$200
Invoice 7 May: -$150
Timesheet (invoiced) 7 April: $150
Timesheet (invoiced) 7 April: $150
Write-off date 7 June: -$50
Closing WIP balance as at 1 July: $0
If the WIP lock date was 1 July for example and we 'Undo Write-off' on this job it would look like this:
Timesheet (billable) 7 April: +$200
Invoice 7 May: -$150
Timesheet (invoiced) 7 April: $0
Write-off date 7 June: $0
Closing WIP balance as at 1 July: +$50
When we look at the team and individual level there is another value: Timesheet (invoiced) which is the portion of the invoice attributed to that timesheet entry. This value also needs to be reversed which can only occur on the timesheet (ledger date) 7 April without creating a random additional timesheet value entry attributable to the person on the WIP lock date. Perhaps this is what your previous practice management app did.
If you were to 'Remove from invoice list' again this would be as at the date you click the button, normally today's date:
Timesheet (billable) 7 April: +$200
Invoice 7 May: -$150
Timesheet (invoiced) 7 April: $150
Write-off date 7 August: -$50
Closing WIP balance as at 7 August: +$0
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