A common question is why is there a difference between the net write ups in the WIP vs. the Team Performance report? The difference is a result of cost disbursements, additional time invoiced, or additional disbursements invoiced in the period.
The WIP Movements report includes every transaction (timesheet, disbursements, additional time and cost invoiced) so provides a helicopter view of the organisations net write ups. The Team Performance report only looks at time tracked to staff members so provides a team focused view of the net write offs for each staff member. Disbursements and additional time cannot be tracked to a staff member so are excluded from the team performance report. This results in a variance between the net write ups for a period in the WIP Movements vs. Team Performance report.
The variance can be checked by running a WIP report using the invoice date (not ledger date) for the period you are looking at, and checking the write off totals. You can create this report by following the steps below:
Go to Report - Report Builder - Report Type: WIP Ledger - Create
Report Fields:
[Client] Client
[Job] Job No.
[Ledger] Ledger Type
[Ledger] Description
[Ledger] Billable Amount (Totalled)
[Ledger] Invoice Amount (Totalled)
[Ledger] Write On Amount (Totalled)
Report Criteria:
[Ledger] Invoiced Date: is on or after custom
[Ledger] Invoiced Date: is on or before custom
[Ledger] Ledger Type Excludes: Time & Interim
Report Options:
Staff can change the date criteria for the report. This will enable filter the dates on this report using the 'Show Criteria' button in the top right hand corner of the report.
Save & Preview.
This report will list all disbursements that have been washed up in the period. The values in the final column 'Write on Amount (Totalled)' will make up the variance between the net write ups on the WIP reports vs. the net write ups on the Team reports.
Anything with a value in the final column 'Write on Amount (Totalled)' has not had revenue applied to the disbursement when invoicing. This net write up will need to be allocated by you to the person responsible for the job to get more meaningful info on how staff are going.
When invoicing disbursements you want to ensure you do not untick a disbursement. If you untick, remove a disbursement, or fix a disbursement value to $0 at the time of invoicing then no revenue will be applied to this disbursement and the disbursement will incur a write off. This will cause a variance between the net write ups in your team reports and your WIP reports as disbursements are not applied to staff members. To avoid editing disbursements at an invoice level you can find our most popular invoicing method in the guide here.
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