Managing Jobs with Xero Practice Manager
Chapter 8 looks at how to run your jobs in a way that captures all the necessary information for effective management reporting. There are checks that must be done before a job is started, and checks that must be done before a job is closed. Here you will learn what those checks are, and how to ensure they are actioned accordingly.
- Managing Jobs with Xero Practice Manager: Completing a WIP Wash-up
- Managing Jobs with Xero Practice Manager: 3 Tools for Managing your Job List
- Managing Jobs with Xero Practice Manager: Job and task notifications
- Managing Jobs with Xero Practice Manager: Identifying non-billable time sheets
- Managing Jobs with Xero Practice Manager: Travel Time
- Managing Jobs with Xero Practice Manager: Internal Time
- Managing Jobs with Xero Practice Manager: Updating Job States
- Managing Jobs with Xero Practice Manager: Reviewing time sheet completion
- Managing Jobs with Xero Practice Manager: Who should completed time sheets?
- Managing Jobs with Xero Practice Manager: 6 Steps to making time sheets easier for your team
- Managing up Jobs with Xero Practice Manager: Time sheet methods, frequency and importance
- Managing up Jobs with Xero Practice Manager: Job set-up process templates (to-do's)
- Managing Jobs with Xero Practice Manager: Assigning Job Managers
- Managing Jobs with Xero Practice Manager: Estimated Times and Job Budget Apportionment
- Managing Jobs with Xero Practice Manager: Job Budgets